Data in Use
Ocean colour and SST products retrieved from the MyOcean catalogue, and in-situ data to forecast blooms.

Service summary
The ASIMUTH project hosts a monitoring service that provides a weekly regional alert on Harmful Algal Bloom via a web-published bulletin. The service is designed to combine all of the available information from Earth (in-situ monitoring stations), space (satellite data) and in-silico (biological and physical oceanic models) sources for the northeast Atlantic Ocean. ASIMUTH thus provides the aquaculture industry with an overview of areas at risk of a HAB event.

Customer Benefit
This warning system enables shellfish farmers to adapt their production schedules to suit each HAB situation and finfish farmers to install appropriate aeration systems to combat oxygen depletion during a bloom. Before ASIMUTH, no such options were available to farmers.

Added value through Copernicus
ESA Sentinel-3 OLCI will provide Sea Surface Chlorophyll continuity of the ENVISAT MERIS sensor. ESA’s SMOS-BEC will define important thermo-salinity fronts that influence the transport of HABs.


Daithi O’Murchu Marine
Research Station
Julie Maguire