Dr. Mud is a service extension that monitors soil properties and moisture conditions with the help of satellite data. It helps agricultural practitioners increase yields, reduce input costs, make more informed decisions, and manage their fields better – all in support of sustainable agriculture. The system is based on the Dynacrop service, an easy-to-use and cheap API for any agricultural software. Dynacrop provides Earth observation products for applications focused on agriculture while facilitating access to and interpretation of high volumes of satellite data. Dr. Mud employs extensive processing of radar data from Sentinel-1, which utilises a proprietary smoothing algorithm based on a change detection method for soil moisture data. Soil carbon content, soil type, and volumetric soil moisture are also planned for inclusion in Dr. Mud to make it a complex, comprehensive, and cloud-independent soil assessment API for agricultural software. The Dr. Mud extension is a premium product ideal for growers of high-value crops and related consultants. It fills information gaps in areas where measurements are scarce while still remaining affordable, including for non-European clients.


World from Space s.r.o.
Roman Bohovic, Matúš Hrnčiar, Jan Labohý